Hu Yue









Yue (Mary) Hu 

Assistant Professor

Education background:
Ph.D., George Mason University (2012)
M.A., Wayne State University (2008)
B.A., Jilin University (2003)

Yue Hu developed her research interest in crisis communication in 2003, when Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes (SARS) attacked China and spread to many countries worldwide. After nearly-three-year working as a news reporter for Beijing TV Station, she quit her job and went back to school to be trained as a social science scholar. Several of her papers were presented in ICA, NCA and ECA. She won a top paper award at 99th Annual NCA Convention in 2013. She is working as the PI of two research grants in crisis communication.

Teaching Courses:
Crisis Communication
Public Relation Practice
Strategic Communication Planning


Copyright: 2014 School Of Journalism And Communication Xiamen University