Yue Miao



Miao  Yue,
Professor, Doctor, Doctoral supervisor

Education background:
Bachelor’s degree, Communication University of China, the department of television, the major of TV program production.
Master's degree in Journalism,Xiamen University
PhD, Xiamen University.


Be elected The Sixth Batch of young teachers in Xiamen University.
Got Xiamen University Qingyuan award,Xiamen University the school of journalism and communication 2004-2005 The young teacher teaching award.
As a visiting scholar in Hong Kong Baptist University.
Participated in the creation of large-scale documentary<South China>.
2009,2012 be invited to serve as expert judges of Chinese journalism awards ,Changjiang & Taofen prize.
In the subjects such as <guangming daily> <Journalism & Communication > <China Radio & TV Academic Journal> <Modern Communication > <Film Art> <Press Circles> published academic papers.
 <Introduction and techniques of media> <The history of Chinese film and TV > <Research on the development history of Chinese TV news programs 1958-2008>.
Currently, presided over the National Postdoctoral’s foundation project<The mechanism research of Intellectual capital management in improving the core competitiveness of Chinese media group > and a number of cross subject, etc.
 <Media management research> <Television news program research> <The television camera> <Television lighting >for graduate and undergraduate courses.
Research direction :
The TV news
Media management
Taiwan media

Copyright: 2014 School Of Journalism And Communication Xiamen University