School of Journalism & Communication offers minor degrees in journalism and advertising, application opens to the freshman and sophomore undergraduate students. Currently the school has enrolled 277 minor degree students in 2013, 269 in 2012.

1. Minor Degree in Journalism:
      Those who have enrolled this minor degree program must complete the plan of not less than 45 credits (including Internship and graduation thesis), the required courses of 19 credits.

 Annual teaching plans are subject to change, and it will adjust the curriculum, this only as a description. (as follows)
      Photojournalism、The history of Foreign Journalism and communication、Communication laws and ethics、Media Management、Film and television Art Appreciation、Introduction to Communications、The history of Chinese journalism and communication、News Interview and Writing、Introduction to New Media、TV art、Media analysis of new problems、Media and Cultural Studies、Introduction to Television Broadcasting、Introduction to Journalism、newspaper editor、TV editor、Classic works of Western Journalism Readings.

2. Minor Degree in advertising :
      Those who have enrolled this minor degree program must complete the plan of not less than 45 credits (including Internship and graduation thesis), the required courses of 17 credits.

      Advertising Copywriting、Advertising Creative、Introduction to Advertising、Media and Society、Introduction to Public Relationships、Synthetic  Knowledge of Advertising (I)、Communication Research Methods、The history of Foreign Journalism and communication、Basics of Visual Design、Market Survey Research、Advertising planning、Introduction to Brand、Synthetic  Knowledge of Advertising (II)、Advertisement Management、The history of Chinese journalism and communication、Introduction to Communications、Advertising Photography、Marketing.